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What languages does vMix support and can others be added?

vMix provides the following base language options in addition to English:

Spanish, French, Korean, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German

These translations have been created via Google Translate. You can modify or create new languages for vMix. To do this:
  1. Open the languages folder in your vMix installation directory (typically C:\Program Files (x86)\vMix\languages).
  2. If creating a new translation, copy the en.txt file and save it somewhere that you can edit it such as the desktop. If modifying an existing vMix translation, then copy this instead.
  3. Open the copied text file and use it as the basis for your template.
  4. When adding your translation, note that each line is tab delimited and in the following format:
            object_name    EnglishText    TranslationText
  5. Only edit the TranslationText section of each line.
  6. Save and rename the text file according to the ISO 639-1 standard:
  7. Open the vMix languages folder again and, if replacing a translation, rename the old listed file to something else such as OLDzh.txt
  8. Copy the new translation text file to the vMix languages folder (typically C:\Program Files (x86)\vMix\languages).
  9. Restart vMix and under [Settings] > [Options], select your language. If it is not listed, ensure that the text file has a two-letter name from the ISO 639-1 standard list here.

Important Note: If you are modifying a base language file, always have a copy of your translation saved elsewhere because updating vMix will overwrite all base language files.

If you would like to share or request a new or improved translation, you can do this here: https://forums.vmix.com/topics/14-Language-Translations

Last Updated: Monday, June 27, 2022 9:24:11 AM